Baby Blankets


At what age can babies safely have blankets in their beds?

It is recommended to wait until the baby is at least 12 months old before introducing blankets into their crib to reduce the risk of suffocation.

You can dress your baby in a sleep sack or footed pyjamas to keep them warm without the need for blankets.

It is important to ensure that the blanket is lightweight, firm-fitting, and securely tucked around the mattress to minimize the risk of suffocation.

Swaddling blankets can be used for newborns to help them feel secure and sleep better, but always make sure to follow safe swaddling techniques.

It is recommended to have just one lightweight blanket in the baby’s crib to avoid overheating and reduce the risk of suffocation.

Opt for breathable and lightweight materials like cotton or muslin for baby blankets to ensure proper air circulation and reduce the risk of overheating.

Watch for signs such as sweating, flushed cheeks, or feeling hot to the touch, which may indicate that your baby is too hot with a blanket. If they are shivering or have cold extremities, they may be too cold.